Killing Me Soufflé Review

Killing Me Soufflé (A Bakeshop Mystery, #20)

Killing Me Soufflé by Ellie Alexander

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve been a long time fan of Jules and the rest of the Torte family, so I was excited to see the newest release, Killing Me Soufflé. I was a little nervous going into the book as “on location” books are usually my least favorite books in cozy mystery series. However I had no reason to be, Killing Me Soufflé was just as fantastic as the rest of the series!

Sterling and Steph are venturing out on their own to take over the restaurant at Whaleshead Resort and Jules and Carlos (and some other Torte faces) are there to support their grand opening! The weekend doesn’t go as planned and Jules adds investigating to her weekend. 

The mystery, story, and setting were all great, but what I loved most about this book was hearing the ongoing stories of the Torte family. It was great to spend time with Steph and Sterling as they start this new venture. It is fun to see the changes happening for Jules and her family. And it’s always sweet to get a peek into the lives of the other Ashland friends. This was a great book and I can’t wait for more Bakeshop Mysteries!

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Minotaur Books. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

View all my reviews

Book Bites – Minimize the Mess (with Giveaway!)


I am so very excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for the book Minimize The Mess! I wish you could see my copy of this book. Nearly every page has a highlight and notes in the margin. There is so much great information tucked away for simplifying your home in this lovely book. 

Since I became a work-at-home mom, my sensitivity to clutter and mess in our home has increased. While I was already on a quest to find the best way to optimize our smallish home and declutter our lives, being at home more is definitely pushing me to work on this more. Reading this book could not have come at a better time! 

While not all of the information in this book is new to me, I found the information that Rachel shared wonderfully packaged to help me think through application for my home. There is prodding to really examine your home and life and the motivation behind the mess, but it is done with the spirit of a trusted and understanding friend.  Not only will you be encouraged to work on the current state of your home, you’ll find ways to change the way you think about what comes into your home in the future – the true key to keeping your home the way you want. 

Want to join me in minimizing the mess in your home? You can get your own copy of Minimize the Mess for only $2.99 (what a deal!) from Rachel’s site or from Amazon. If you’re purchasing from Rachel’s site she is offering a 25% discount with the coupon code launch.


I received a copy of Minimize the Mess for free to review for you. My thoughts and opinions are all my own.